The Ultimate Fashion and Style Guide

Guys: How To Perfectly Match Your Date's Evening Cocktail Dress And Accessories

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When headed out for a night, many women spend a lot of time deciding exactly what evening cocktail dress to wear and how to accessorize it. Men, however, sometimes don’t give what they wear as much consideration. They should, though, because how they dress significantly affects how they and their dates are perceived. If you’re a guy and are headed to a cocktail party with your girlfriend, fiance or wife, here’s how to match your outfit to hers so that you look like the perfectly matched couple.…

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Give The Professionals The Boot! Simple Solutions For Cleaning Your Leather Boots At Home

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From suits and swimwear to under garments and loafers, the overwhelming amount of clothing and accessories you need can be overwhelming. While purchasing new apparel for you and your family may be expensive, it is an imperative and unavoidable expense. Considering the average American spends 3.8 percent of their income on apparel and related services, learning how to care for these purchases is key. Unfortunately, you may not be familiar with the best methods of caring for certain garments and accessories.…

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7 Ways To Make Your Feet Happier Every Day: It's Easier Than You Might Think!

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Like many things in life, the foot is something often overlooked unless or until there’s a problem with it. Fortunately, with a little TLC, you can keep your feet a lot happier and in top form, thereby eliminating many potential problems. Here are seven ways to improve life for what are undoubtedly your two biggest supporters in life. 1. Don’t look down on them. Some people have an aversion to feet, while others swear by the fact that there’s nothing attractive about them.…

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